Snipes Farm’s October Fall Festival Gets Big Kickoff in Lower Bucks
Families with Young Children Flocked to the Kickoff to Enjoy Wagon Rides, Pumpkin Picking, Land of Scarecrows, Climbing Pyramid, Fresh Cider and Donuts and More
September 30, 2023
Morrisville, PA
Snipes Farm & Education Center (SFEC) opened the doors of its Big Red Barn in Morrisville last weekend to welcome hundreds of local visitors to the kickoff of its annual Fall Festival. It was the biggest opening weekend in memory, said SFEC Executive Director Jonathan Snipes.
“People love coming to a working community farm that offers family fun like horse-and-wagon rides, our straw-bale climbing pyramid, the maze, scavenger hunts, pumpkin picking, gentle farm animals, and flower picking,” Jonathan said.
“Not to mention a chance to meet our community of 120 scarecrows,” he continued. “Our straw-brained Albert Einstein hangs out near the farm’s Food for Thought Café, and Leonardo da Vinci is itching to paint Mona Lisa, who is sitting patiently at a nearby table. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves are bewildered by the entire scene.”
The biggest hit on the Saturday kickoff were the horse-and-wagon rides offered by Hutch Hamilton and his two Better Way Belgians horses, Marty and Sparky, each standing well over 7 feet tall and weighing more than 2,200 pounds. A steady stream of visitors waited in line for a ride throughout the day.
Snipes Farm held its Fall Festival kickoff in partnership with the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce and Mommy’s Lil’ Black Book (a regional social media resource). The farm’s parking lots filled up so quickly that late arrivals had to be directed to a nearby field.
Photos and Videos of the Snipes Farm Fall Festival Kickoff
Can You Find a Picture of Yourself or a Family Member?

Two girls celebrate their climb to the
top of the Pyramid, made from giant
bales of straw.

Hutch Hamilton prepares his two Belgian draft
horses for a day of wagon rides with Festival

A young boy and his mother wait as
passengers start to board a horse-pulled
wagon for a ride around the farm.

A family poses for a group photo in the Big Red
Barn at Snipes Farm & Education Center

A boy and his mother make friends with
Marty the horse.

A young girl waves her toy scarecrow-on-a-
stick in the Big Red Barn.

A father and his daughter take a break with refreshments in the Big Red Barn.

A father and his young son enjoy a view of the Snipes Farm festival from the top of the climbing Pyramid.

Falls Township firefighters join the festival to show off their shiny fire truck and let visitors peek inside.

Albert Einstein the Scarecrow strikes a thoughtful pose outside the Food for Thought Café at Snipes Farm.