Snipes Summer Day Camp Registration
Welcome! Here is What You Need to Know
Before You Register Your Camper
The Basics
Camp Schedule: Camp runs from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm Monday through Friday, starting June 23rd and ending August 15th, 2025
Camp Leadership program ages 13-15
Registration is required for campers, ages 5-12, and youth in our Camp Leadership Program, ages 13-15. (Counselors in training and camp staff go through a separate application/registration process.)
Register When Ready: We encourage you to review the information below before registering your child for camp.
Camp Costs, Discounts and Financial Aid
Camp Costs
- Full Time Attendance: $440 per week Day Camp (5-12); $475 per week Camp Leadership program (13-15)
- Before Care (7:30 am - 8:30 am): $35 per week
- After Care (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm): $55 per week
- Before & After Care: $90 per week
Campers can be registered for full weeks (M-F) only
Camp Discounts
All of the following discounts (if valid) will be applied during the registration process:
Early Bird Discounts
8% discount until March 1st and paid in full
4% discount if enrolled between March 2nd-April 15th and paid in full
Additional Discounts
4% discount for returning campers
4% discount with siblings attending the same week of camp
4% discount if attending 3 or more weeks
Financial Aid
Thank you for your interest, please visit here for our 2025 application.
About the Registration Process
- We use a third-party application called CampDoc for registration. Simply follow their prompts.
- A $200 downpayment is required with registration.
- If this is your first time visiting our registration site on CampDoc, please start by creating a new account. Parents and guardians, when starting the registration process, please enter your name first, as you will register your camper(s) in the next step.
- If you enrolled a camper last year, please log in using the same email address and password you used then. If you have forgotten your password, simply click on “Forgot Password?” and follow the prompts.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Melanie Douty-Snipes
215-295-1139, ext. 105