Celebrate Earth Day 2024 at Snipes Farm!
Celebrate Earth Day on a local organic farm! All ages are welcome! This is a great family event!

Bobby Jones, senior district manager with Waste Management in Morrisville, PA takes a break at Earth Day 2023 on Snipes Farm. We are grateful for the long-time support of Waste Management!
Saturday, April 20, 2024
9:00 am – Noon
Meet at the Big Red Barn
Sign Up Here
We invite you to join us on Saturday, April 20, for our annual celebration of Earth Day at Snipes Farm & Education Center. (International Earth Day is set for Monday, April 22, but we hold our celebration on a Saturday for your convenience.)
The first Earth Day event was held on April 22, 1970 to encourage people around the world to protect the unique ability of our fragile, blue planet to sustain human life. Powerful modern telescopes constantly scour the heavens in hopes of finding another blue planet like ours among the

A father-daughter team prepare to help out with Earth Day 2023 activities at Snipes Farm.
billions of stars and planets in the visible universe. So far, no luck.
That’s right, this is our only home, and it’s an important part of our mission to protect it.
At Snipes Farm, we use sustainable, organic farming practices to protect the soil’s ability to grow food in perpetuity. We also protect and enhance the natural areas surrounding the farm, such as our Natural Trail, which is a haven for native species of plants and animals. Most of the organic produce we grow is distributed to local hunger relief efforts.
On this Earth Day, as in past years, you will join us in celebrating Mother Earth with songs, stories and physical work to protect the farm’s natural environment.
You can help with field projects, nature trail maintenance, removal of invasive plants, planting of native trees, and all manner of environmental stewardship on the farm. Projects for kids include animal care and spring clean-up in the Children's Garden.
Bring your family, corporate group, congregation or youth group. Bring a picnic lunch and stay awhile afterwards. Our Farm Market will also be open 9:30 am -12:30 pm in the Big Red Barn. Take home our freshly harvested produce, fresh eggs, honey, and more!
Download and Complete Volunteer Waiver below.
*All attendees must complete a Volunteer Waiver in order to participate in Earth Day activities. Please click and download the waiver form, print it out and complete it. Then we ask that you bring it to the farm on Earth Day to save time. We will also have waiver forms available at the farm.